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Project Videos

Marine Litter – Why we need to act now and how to do it

© PROMAR 2021

Watch the video on why we have to act now on marine litter!

Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic enters the oceans. If we continue like this, plastics will outweigh fish in the oceans by 2050. The Circular Economy fights these developments by avoiding, reusing and recycling plastic waste. Measures like the conversion of waste dumps into regular sanitary landfills, the implementation of single-use-plastic bans and recycling targets, holding producers responsible for the entire lifecycle of their products and a fundamental shift in product design and innovation can further increase waste collection and recycling rates. A mix of appropriate policies and regulations, together with increased awareness will over time lead to shifting production and consumption patterns and an overall reduction in plastic consumption.

Waste sampling in Costa Rica

© CEGESTI 2022

Our implementing partner in Costa Rica, CEGESTI, carried out waste sampling processes in three locations on the Caribbean coast: Puerto Viejo, Cieneguita and Tortuguero. This activity helps the PROMAR Team to collect information to develop strategies to effectively stop waste flows that end up in the ocean.


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The circular Economy of plastic in Costa Rica


The circular economy of plastics in Costa Rica is made possible by a dedicated supply chain that includes hundreds of reclaimers collaborating with processors. In this video, we showcase the crucial role of reclaimers and processors in giving plastic a second life, contributing to sustainable development, and ensuring the success of the circular economy. Join us to learn how their efforts are transforming plastic waste into valuable resources for a greener future.

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The green revolution in the plastic resin industry

Did you know that the production of recycled resins is key to enabling a circular economy for plastics in Costa Rica? In this video, we share the inspiring story of how recycled resins contribute not only to environmental sustainability but also generate significant social benefits. Discover how this innovative approach is transforming waste into opportunity, improving both the environment and local communities.

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Our PROMAR Summit 2023