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Circular Economy Baseline
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The tool helps the industries to know the level of application of the circular economy on the company taking into account different areas of work, it has different modules about strategy, use of resources, productive process, products and services, value chain and improvement areas. After filling up each yes/no question on the different modules the user can find a graphic of results with the obtained score of the evaluation, the main idea is that the industry takes action about the topics from modules with low scores.
Fact Items
Type of Tool
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Excel table and a graphic result.
Process step
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Diagnosis and baseline establishment.
User of the Tool
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Industries from the plastic sector.
Objectives and expected outcomes
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To know the degree of progress they have with respect to the implementation of the circular economy in five aspects.
To learn about circular economy practices that other companies in the sector are implementing.
To learn about circular economy practices that other companies in the sector are implementing.