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KAP Survey Marine Litter: Knowledge + Attitude + Practice
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The KAP tool is an online survey that will be available for users to monitor their own pilot projects.
The tool is also available for download as a PDF.
The survey includes four main sections: (1) Socio-Demographic Profile,(2) Knowledge, (3) Attitude and
(4) Practices related to the prevention of marine litter. Apart from the survey itself, instructions for its use and application for monitoring purposes will be included.
The tool is also available for download as a PDF.
The survey includes four main sections: (1) Socio-Demographic Profile,(2) Knowledge, (3) Attitude and
(4) Practices related to the prevention of marine litter. Apart from the survey itself, instructions for its use and application for monitoring purposes will be included.
Fact Items
Type of Tool
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An evaluative online survey.
Process Step
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Evaluation & Monitoring.
User of the Tools
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Local Governments and NGOs.
Objectives and expected outcomes
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The purpose of the KAP tool is to continuously evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the communities where pilot projects are implemented. The initial evaluation should take place before the implementation phase and further evaluations should be scheduled in order to measure any changes and improvements in the community.