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Marine Waste Prevention in the Caribbean
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PROMAR Success Stories

In Work Package II, Circular Economy Solutions have been successfully implemented, and the partner countries have developed success stories to highlight the key outcomes and achievements of these initiatives.


Costa Rica

The PROMAR project in Cieneguita, Limón, engaged over 110,000 community members in marine waste prevention, organizing 24 beach clean-ups that prevented 1,395 kg of plastic waste from entering the Caribbean Sea. A floating waste collection system was installed in the Chocolate River, and plastic recovery increased by 226% during the project. Monthly school campaigns continue to educate students on proper waste management.

Dominican Republic

Discover how Blue Stations in Santo Domingo are transforming waste management with cutting-edge recycling solutions. This innovative project has engaged over 800 households, collected 9,000 kg of plastic waste in just 1.5 years, and formed strategic partnerships with local institutions. By addressing plastic pollution head-on, Blue Stations are setting new standards for environmental sustainability and paving the way for a cleaner, greener future.


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Cineguita, Limón, Costa Rica

Success Story Costa Rica

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For a summary of the Success Story in Costa Rica, click here! 

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