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The Guide for the Installation of Floating Barriers: Biobardas and River Boom is based on a framework that ranges from a general discussion of the basic structures for floating barriers to the distinctive features of River Booms and Biobardas, complementing each design with case studies in the Dominican Republic and Colombia. The River Boom represents a more advanced style of floating barrier suitable for handling larger volumes of waste, whereas the Biobarda is a simpler type of floating barrier ideal for intercepting smaller volumes of waste.
Fact Items
Type of Tool
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Guide for building and installing with practical examples, based on national experiences.
Users of the Tool
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Municipalities in cities with rivers that flow into the sea; Port Administrators and Operators.
Process Step
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Preventive Action and Waste Management.
Objectives and expected outcomes
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Introduce users to River Boom and Biobardas structures and guide them through the entire process of preparation, start-up and continuity of operations using success stories as a guide.
Expected result: Significantly reduce the generation of marine debris by facilitating its interception and treatment before reaching the sea.
Expected result: Significantly reduce the generation of marine debris by facilitating its interception and treatment before reaching the sea.