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The Problem Tree
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The Problem Tree is a graphical representation of an existing problem, its causes and effects which aims to get a clear and shared understanding of the issue. When used in the context of preventing and combating marine litter, problems related to the issue should be selected.
The first step is to select the problem to be analyzed, such as the disposal of cigarette butts on the beach. The second step is to bring up the causes of this problem, such as the absence of appropriate places for disposal. The proposal is that the causes are presented as many as possible. Finally, the effects are presented, such as contamination from toxic substances in cigarette filters.
The first step is to select the problem to be analyzed, such as the disposal of cigarette butts on the beach. The second step is to bring up the causes of this problem, such as the absence of appropriate places for disposal. The proposal is that the causes are presented as many as possible. Finally, the effects are presented, such as contamination from toxic substances in cigarette filters.
Fact Items
Type of Tool
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Excel file, with data requirements to be inserted by users.
User of the Tool
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Municipalities and consortium's representatives.
Process Step
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Diagnosis and baseline establishment.
Objectives and Expected Outcomes
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Based on the functional description beneath, the objective is to get a clear understanding of the problem and can be repeated several times during the project cycle if needed. The outcome is an anatomy mapping of cause and effect around an issue.